Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stress test, nurses, almost done.

The picture was taken in the hospital's coffee shop where I'm having a bite to eat between parts of the test. The nurses are all great. That always makes these visits to the hospital good. In about 10 minutes I have to go back in for the 3rd part of the test. Off I go. ■ Ok, I'm done with the test and back home. The stress test wasn't on a treadmill, but with a drug called adenosine, which sort of duplicates the stress your heart/body goes through while on a treadmill - except it's, in my opinion, worse. Your chest tightens up, it's difficult to breath, the blood rushes to your head . . ., but it's only for 6 minutes. Halfway through that they inject you with some sort of nuclear material. I'd rather get on the treadmill. ■ Lots to do today. Maybe more later. ■

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