Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Guitar lessons, friends, neighbors . . .

This is a picture of the aftermath of guitar lessons. Well, at least a partial picture. An amp, a music stand, furniture moved out of the way, chairs moved around, etc. I guess I should have stood further back to take in more of the scene. Both of my students are doing very well. ■ Friends, neighbors - I feel that we're, both my wife and I, blessed with great friends and neighbors. It's so nice being outside and having people say, "Hi, Steve", wave, come across the street, or walk next door -- and those are just the neighbors. And friends - geographically close and geographically far away - we have so many - and so many good ones. We still keep in contact with friends from college, my days in the U.S. Navy, childhood friends, friends from when our children were young . . . and I guess I could go on and on. We're truly blessed. ■ Cubs lost. Heck of a note to end the post with. I guess there won't be an "W" flag up across the street tomorrow.

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