Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunny skies

(Picture of our home basked in the setting sun.) A nice sunny day today. Blue skies, very few clouds, but still a little chilly. It was in the low 50s, but tomorrow it's suppose to get to 60, and Wednesday 70. The grass is starting to get greener and soon it'll be growing. I've got to change the oil in my John Deere before I mow. ■ I signed up with a free service today that allows/enables you to call a number, speak your message, and it will then translate your voice message to text and email it to you - or to whoever you'd like to email the message to - as long as you've added them to your list of contacts in this service. It'll be great for reminders - you've got something you want to remember, but you're in your car, or at the store - you simply dial the number, tell it you want to the message sent to yourself, say the message, and off it goes - right to your email account. In fact I can even posts blog entries that way. I still need to set that up, but maybe I'll try it. What do you think? ■ I started trying to track my "dizzy spells" today. Kept a piece of paper with my by my pc so I could log them.

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