Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fifteen two, fifteen four, fifteen six . . . . . . .

The pictures below were taken at our cribbage Christmas dinner. That's the group on top (minus me 'cause I'm taking the picture) - and the one below is to prove to everyone that we're not the only ones with a bear in their home! ■ This dang gout won't go away. It's in my left foot and just seems to be there taunting me. I had missed one dose of the med they prescribed for it and it came back and bit me. I thought that it would go away after a day or so after taking the med again. I guess I'm wrong. And yesterday I started getting sciatica - running down my right leg. That's gone away after a night's rest. With gout in my left foot and sciatica down my right leg I didn't know which way to limp yesterday! ■ Working on a drawing for a gift. Go to get back to it. . . . . . .

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