Thursday, November 18, 2010

Feet. Can’t walk without ‘em . . . . . .


On Monday I woke up with pain in and around the big toe of my right foot.  It wasn’t gout.  I can identify that.  Tuesday the pain subsided, but began to move from my toe to just behind my toes in the middle of my foot.  That’s where it’s currently residing.  What’s causing it – I don’t know.  I imagine it’ll be gone in another couple of days.  I hope it’s nothing to do with diabetes.  I’ve got an appointment with both the diabetes nurse and the diabetes dietician on Monday.  ■  Last Friday our friends Cheryl and Bill had us over for a fish fry.  These were fish that Bill caught down in Mississippi – well in the Gulf of Mexico off of Mississippi.  Mississippi . . . doesn’t that just roll off of your tongue?  It does mine.  At any rate I painted a picture (that’s the one in this post) of a fish and a sign expressing our liking of the best fish fry ever!  ■  Thanksgiving is coming up.  Lots of friends and lots of food in our near future.  Mmmmm . . . . . Monday I’ll find out what I can eat!  ■  TFB.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ribs . . . guitars . . . garage door safety sensors . . .

Did ribs tonight.  They were delicious.  Next set of ribs I do I think I’ll do as sauerbraten style.  It could be very interesting.111410_001  I’ll let you know when I’m doing them.   ■  I’m trying to get another band set up and going, but it’s tough just getting everyone to a first practice.  We’ll see if it works.  ■  Bought another guitar.  In reality I traded one of my other ones for the new one.  And what is it?  It’s an inexpensive Telecaster.  I really like teles.  This one needs decent tuners put on as well as some decent pickups.  All in due time.  ■  Got the Santa Fe back from the repair shop.  That deer had done some $5000 worth of damage.  It looked bad, but not that bad.  The more they took apart to fix the more damage they found.  ■  The safety sensors for my garage door have gone kaput.  It looks like I’ll have to replace them.  That’s an expense I don’t need.  ■  Lots to do this week . . . and it’s time for bed.  ■

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A picture . . . a drawing . . . a video . . . .


Saw this picture of my friend posted on facebook.  I decided to try and draw it using an app on my ipad.  The result is below.  All the drawing is done with your finger, so accuracy, at least with me at this stage, is shaky at best.Bob_at_Wrigley_drawing_small  Perhaps I’ll get better with time.  And below that drawing is a video that shows how I drew it.  ■  Way past time for bed.  Lots of drawing to do in the next few days. 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wake up Dad . . . it’s time for breakfast!


Abby woke me up this morning at 6:30 by standing on my chest with all four feet.  That got my attention.  I think she weights about 50 pounds, but the four feet just don’t spread that weight out enough to be confortable.  That’s my Brushes sketch of her as she lays by me at the pc.  ■  Holly’s doing well.  She’s still in some pain, but it’s getting better all the time.  She has to pretty much stay off her feet to let them rest and get better.  ■  My brake light went on and stayed on today.  Jac was great as he came over and checked the car out.  It looks like the brake fluid sensor may just have been stuck.  It’s alright now, but Jac says I need new pads and rotors.  I’ve got to find out what rotors are and how much it’ll cost to get it repaired.  Just what we need.  More bills and less money.  ■   

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Doing well . . .

Holly’s doing well.  She rested all afternoon and came downstairs tonight for a little while.  I think this operation is 110410_001hurting her less than the first one.  To the right is my Brushes sketch of part of the waiting room at the hospital.  ■  The dogs get to sleep with me tonight.  Normally we kick them out of our room so that we can sleep in peace.  Four bodies with a total of 12 legs doesn’t fit as well as one might hope.  And 8 of those legs are pushing against you for more room.  ■  Doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning.  This time with my “sleep doctor.”  ■  And it’s time for bed.  ‘Night. . . . .

Home . . .

. . . and sleeping – Holly that is.  The surgery went fine.  She sees the doc next week, but until then she won’t be able to physically go to work, but she’ll be able to work from home.  ■  Checked out the garage door opener this afternoon.  It looks like the sensors are kaput.  ■  The dogs are already bothering me for their dinner.

Waiting . . .

Holly's in surgery now. It'll be a couple of hours until I can see her.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I’m already starting to pine for warmer days . . .


It’s not even very cold, but I’m missing at least some of the summer heat.  That’s probably what prompted my painting on the left . . . ■  Dropped our Santa Fe off at the body shop today to get the damage from the deer that hit us.  It should be ready either Friday, or Monday.  ■  Our garage door opener has been acting up lately.  It won’t go down unless you hold the button – and it won’t go down at all using the remotes.  It appears to maybe be a misalignment with the electric eye safety thing-a-ma-gig.  I tried looking at it today, but I’m pretty hopeless with mechanical or electrical things.  The FAQ I’m looking at tells me to look for an indicator light, but I don’t see any lights.  ■  Got a new glucose meter today along with training on it.  Back to testing my blood twice a day.  Bummer.  ■