Thursday, September 23, 2010

Phone tag?


I saw a commercial on TV this evening showing a tin can telephone.  I remember these as a kid.  Our parents would help my brother and I make the telephone out of 2 tin cans (probably Campbell’s soup cans), 2 shirt buttons and some kite string.  The amazing this is that they worked!  The drawing is of my brother and I talking on our new-fangled phones – he on the roof of the family room and I on the ground.  What days those were!  Did anyone else make these “phones?”  ■  Had band practice tonight.  It went well.  Went over a few songs to make sure we all remembered them.  ■  After band practice I grilled chicken breasts.  I know delicious is an overused word in this blog, but they were delicious.  I ate two of them.  I didn’t intend to, but boy were they good!  ■  All of the chili I made for Chili Fest was devoured at the fest.  Holly wants to take some up to her mother, so it looks like I’ll be making more chili this weekend.  Heck, I didn’t get enough of my chili – nor anyone else's.  ■  And now the ol’ saw – it’s time for bed . . . ‘night. 

1 comment:

  1. We tried making wireless tin-can phones as a kid ....

    ... didn't work well :-O
