Thursday, September 4, 2008

New pcs . . . . putting your life back together . . . .

Getting a new pc is sort of like putting your life back together after a disaster. Directory structures to rebuild; files to transfer; programs to reinstall; a new operating system to get used to and know. And that's just with 1 pc. I've got 2 of them to setup. It's a long, drawn-out process with me working. I've got a new printer with a built-in scanner/copier. The printer is ok, but the scanner is setup "wrong" for me to scan my drawings. I still have my old scanner and I think I'll have to set that up again. ■ Work is good. Still lots to learn. I like learning, which is good. ■ The weather has really turned. It went from being hot to autumn - just about overnight. I'm hoping that Chili Fest won't be too cold. Ah, heck - we'll warm it up with some hot chili and hot live music. ■ Time for bed. Another late night.

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