My dear brother-in-law, Barry, lost his oldest St. Bernard this week. I know it’s tough to lose a dog. We’ve been through it too many times. You give them food, water, and love and they return that love unconditionally. Barry had two St. Bernard's – one passed away a few years ago – but this one he’d had for 16 years. That’s an old dog – especially for a large breed. I took a picture of Barry and his two dogs and tried a pen & ink of the trio. I think the dogs turned out ok, but I still can’t draw people worth a ?x&*. I’ve framed the drawing and Holly’s taking it up to him this weekend. I hope he likes it. ■
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I still can’t draw people . . . . . .
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Milestones . . . what are they?
They’re typically a marker a mile apart. They help you mark the miles when travelling. ■ We have what we call “milestones”, that mark times in our lives. It’s sort of a crazy way of marking birthdays and other events that are, we hope, are significant markers of our time on earth. (Geeze, now I’m starting to sound philosophical.) One person’s milestone may well not be another’s. Actually, I would say it’s not another’s. We each have our own, personal milestones and they’re as individual to one as their own fingerprints are to another. (Did this make any sense?) ■ At any rate – choose your own milestones – they are yours.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The older I get, the busier I get . . . . .
At least it seems that way. I’m down one website that I’ve developed and maintained over the years. In that one the customer simply didn’t want the site anymore. Four of the sites require very little maintenance while the other four require regular updates. And that doesn’t include this blog as I only post to it. It does, however, require somewhat regular posts! ■ Tomorrow morning I’m going to a networking group meeting. We’ll see what that brings. ■ And tomorrow is yet another milestone in my life. ■
Fresh, warm cider donuts . . . . .
Someone brought this up on facebook. Now I’m craving warm cider donuts. I was going to put in a picture, but that might put me over the edge. Warm cider donuts and coffee. Fresh – just made – warm cider donuts and coffee . . . . ok, I’ve got to stop this. The nearest ones I can think of are in Long Grove, Illinois and that’s just too far to drive . . . tonight. Fall is one of my favorite seasons and fresh, warm cider donuts just fit right in. What a nice treat for a Saturday, or Sunday morning. And, ok, here’s one little picture of cider donuts. ■ I’ve got to begin work on my next pen & ink book. I’d like to have it ready before Christmas and it does take time to put one together. Lots of work ahead on that. ■
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Beautiful weekend . . . . .
It’s been a beautiful weekend. Cool weather – low 60s for the most part and fall-like. Some of the leaves have begun to fall, but not too many yet. Heck, most of the trees haven’t started to turn colors. That’s for October. ■ Dr. Wood’s Guitar Emporium ran a food drive this Saturday. We had 4 of the adult blues ensembles play. It was fun and we collected a good amount of food. ■ Made another batch of chili today. And is it ever good. Sometimes I even surprise myself. Some of the chili will go to my boss (he likes it) and some of it will go up to Green Bay with Holly for her mother and brothers. ■ Got a few drawings to work on. Got to get busy on them tomorrow. ■ And yes, it’s TFB. ‘Night. ■
Friday, September 24, 2010
A grey day . . . . .
That’s a photo of Mr. Beefy’s on a grey day. Stopped and got a steak sandwich to go. The food is good and it’s inexpensive – a great combination. The picture is blurry because I stitched 3 pictures together and then used a 3rd program to just hightlight the building and cars in color. ■ Worked today and tomorrow Dr. Wood’s is having a food-drive concert. Should be fun. And I hope we get a lot of food. ■ The temps are going down – it’s cooler like fall should be. This summer was so hot and humid. I’m not sure I could move to Florida. The heat and humidity just really took it out of me this year. And with cooler temps I have to remember to disconnect and store my hose. ■ Other random thoughts: I’ve got to start on 2 books – one of my pen & ink drawings and the other of some of my pencil sketches. -- Need to get the remainder of my PA system back downstairs. -- Need to get my “recording studio” set up. -- And I need to make chili again this weekend. We didn’t have any leftover from Chili Fest. 19 lbs of meat – all gone! ■ GNITFB.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
What a beautiful night . . . . .
It was a beautiful night. Not too hot, not too humid, just about right. We did some sausages on the grill. Three of them were crawfish sausage, the rest were some kind of sausage with cheese inside. The crawfish sausage came back up with us from New Orleans. Holly says she’s taking one with her to work to put in her scrambled eggs for breakfast. Me – I don’t know yet. ■ It looks like we’re going to get some rain – just look at the radar picture. That’s ok. We could use a little rain. Not too much though. Just a bit. ■ And yes, it’s time for bed. ‘Night. ■
Phone tag?
I saw a commercial on TV this evening showing a tin can telephone. I remember these as a kid. Our parents would help my brother and I make the telephone out of 2 tin cans (probably Campbell’s soup cans), 2 shirt buttons and some kite string. The amazing this is that they worked! The drawing is of my brother and I talking on our new-fangled phones – he on the roof of the family room and I on the ground. What days those were! Did anyone else make these “phones?” ■ Had band practice tonight. It went well. Went over a few songs to make sure we all remembered them. ■ After band practice I grilled chicken breasts. I know delicious is an overused word in this blog, but they were delicious. I ate two of them. I didn’t intend to, but boy were they good! ■ All of the chili I made for Chili Fest was devoured at the fest. Holly wants to take some up to her mother, so it looks like I’ll be making more chili this weekend. Heck, I didn’t get enough of my chili – nor anyone else's. ■ And now the ol’ saw – it’s time for bed . . . ‘night.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Deer with broken leg . . . sad
Last night while driving home I saw two deer by the intersection of High Road and Berridale. One had crossed High Road and was waiting for the other one to make it’s way down the slope of a yard across the street. That deer had a broken right front leg. I could see it limping slowly towards the street and to its friend. It brought tears to my eyes as I’m sure the deer won’t survive. Some of the terrain around here is too steep for it to navigate with the broken leg. I wonder if I’ll see it again. ■ Went to the rheumatologist today. What I thought was arthritis in my arms turns out to be tendonitis. I probably brought it on carrying band equipment. Unfortunately most of the equipment we haul and setup is in excess of 40+ lbs. I guess that’s part of me getting older. The doc did give me some exercises to work on that will help alleviate it. I’ve already started doing those. ■ Bullfrog booked a gig for October. It’s a private party on a Saturday afternoon. Should be fun. ■
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Another great Chili Fest!
The weather cooperated – no rain –, and people brought some great food, the beer was cold, and the music was hot! You should have been here! ■ And now it’s Sunday and we’re cleaning up. The garage is all done, but I still have to get a lot of the PA equipment back down the basement. And I’m sore. I think it’s from carrying all that stuff up from the basement on Saturday. The arthritis in both of my arms, but especially my right arm, is killing me. I can’t even shake someone’s hand with a firm grip. ■ I’m gonna take it easy for the rest of the day. ■
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Weather, great musicians, and chili . . . .
The weather cooperated. It was overcast and cool, but no rain. The music was HOT! Probably the best we’ve ever had. It just gets better and better and the food – yeah, better and better. I’ll post some pics tomorrow. Thanks to everyone that came. This was probably one of the best Chili Fests ever. ■
It’s Chili Fest day . . . now if the weather
will cooperate. We’ve already had some rain and it looks as if more is on its way. Rain, or shine, the fest is on!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Chili . . . . it takes time . . . . .
Chili – good chili – takes time to make. This batch (19 lbs) has taken me all day to make. And I’m still now done! But it is delicious. It’s a lot of meat, but believe me, it’s worth it. People are going to enjoy this on Saturday. For those of you who can’t make it – there’s still time to change your plans . . . . . .
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Shopping is done . . . . .
I’ve finished shopping for the ingredients for my chili. That’s a quick pic of the onions, tomatoes, and peppers going in. I got 2 kinds of habanero peppers (red & orange), and also some jalapenos. This could be a spicy batch! And I think I’ve got more meat than I usually use. This may require using a 3rd pot and I don’t think my 2 cast iron chili pots will hold everything. ■ Tomorrow I’ll smoke the beef and pork and make the chili. ■ Off to work in a few minutes. ■
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Rainy morning . . . beautiful afternoon . . . . .
We’re getting ready for Chili Fest. Slowly, but surely. Tomorrow I’ll clean the garage and probably do the shopping for meat. ■ My office is getting cleaner day by day. Still a ways to go, but I’m getting there. ■ Time to go back and play a little guitar on the patio before all the light of day is gone. ■
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I’m done with the Clonmacnoise sketch. This was one of my favorite sites that we visited while in Ireland. ■ Still in the process of cleaning my office. What a job. I should probably just throw 90% of the stuff out and be done with it. I doubt I’d miss whatever I’d tossed. ■ Back to work . . .
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Back out, foot hurts again . . . . .
What a pain. Yesterday my back went out in the morning. Nothing too bad, but it did require me to use a cane. This morning I still had to use a cane, but this afternoon it’s loosening up a bit and I’m caneless! And the pain in my left foot has come back some too. What a pain. ■ A little more done on Clonmacnoise. I love that name. It just rolls off the tongue so nicely. ■ It’s a beautiful day today. 75º, sunny – you couldn’t ask for a better day. ■ Now to organize and clean my office . . . . . .
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor day weekend – it’s been nice . . .
We’ve had pretty good weather this weekend. A little rain last night, but not too much. ■ Had steps replaced on deck. They’re nice and sturdy. ■ It looks like it’s going to rain here today. It says only a 30% chance, but it’s overcast and it’s making it a sleepy type of day. ■ We’re going to Murphy’s for a small ribfest. Terry makes delicious ribs. ■ The sketch above is the first scan of a drawing of Clonmacnoise in Ireland. It was one of my historical sites that we visited when we were there in 2005. Seems hard to believe that it’s been 5 years since that trip. We’d love to go back. ■