Friday, October 31, 2014

First snow–Oct 31, 2014–Halloween


Yup, the first snow for this winter.  On Halloween.  Burrrrr.  ■  I’m hoping that this doesn’t portend another cold, snowy winter.  I’m not sure I can take another one of those.  ■  Holly’s been at work at Follett for the past 4 weeks.  She likes it.  ■  Aaron has his first Naval Reserve meeting this weekend and then he starts work at Follett too.  ■  Our downstairs furnace has quit working.  I’ve called our furnace guy, but haven’t received a call back yet.  The downstairs is somewhat cool, but not unbearable.  The upstairs is fine, but I have to get the downstairs furnace fixed.  ■  ‘Bout time for bed.  ‘Night.  ■

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Painted door . . . . .


Finally – a picture of our painted front door.  I still have to put the house numbers on.  Not on the door, but to probably the right side of the door.  ■  Saw Cherie and Jim this afternoon.  They’re on their way down to Florida for the winter.  I don’t envy them the drive, but I do the weather.  They’re saying that this winter could be like the last one.  I hope not.  ■  Time for bed.  ‘Night.  ■