It’s been awhile since I posted. I intend to post much more often than I’ve been doing, but all of a sudden I run out of time at the end of the day. ■ The drawing to the left my rendition of the elephant on our granddaughter-to-be’s curtins, or sheet, or something. Heck, grandfathers never know. At any rate that went on the front of the baby shower invitation card. ■ I don’t normally work on Wednesdays, but the person that does is sick, so I’m going in. I’ve got a little time before I have to go. ■ The temps have gone up today. It’s supposed to get close to 55º today. That’ll mean most of the snow we have will melt. Now the dogs will come in with muddy feet. It’s better when it’s snow. ■ Scanning some old pictures right now. They’re for my mother. We’re putting them on one of those electronic picture frames that will automatically do a slide show for her. ■ Got to run. ■
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
I’m back! But a tooth has been extracted.
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I apologize for my absence. ■ Spent a couple of days in Wisconsin last week for a funeral. Sad, but life goes on. ■ Looked up a recipe for “Bang, Bang Shrimp” on the web. We had this appetizer at Bonefish Grill and it’s fantastic. We’ve got the sauce down, but now we need to get the shrimp cooking part right. ■ Went to my dentist today to get a tooth pulled and a bone graft on it. It’s kind of strange having the tooth gone, but not too bad with the bone graft filling in the missing space. I’ve got one, or two stitches in there – I can feel the thread with my tongue. ■ The drawing above is a pencil sketch of my dentist’s office. I washed the color in using a painting program on my iPad. Not too bad. The bricks appear a little too red, but I was rushed. ■
Friday, February 10, 2012
Up All Night . . . and sad news . . .
I ran out of my sleep prescription meds and was basically up all night. I’ve spent all day running about on the phone, net, and in the car chasing medical stuff. Seems the new insurance company we have won’t pay for my sleep med. It’s now going to cost me $171 every month. If I don’t get it my lack of sleep puts my heart in AFIB. That’s a life-threatening and stroke threatening condition. If I were a insurance company I wouldn’t want to pay that either, but then again I doubt they do pay that much. The pharmaceutical company has their prices jacked-up. The med I take is a generic one – not the “brand name” version. ■ On a brighter note I do some much-needed updates on the Kalo Foundation website. And on a continuing bright note, the drawing above is a sketch of “Rocket Billy’s” in White Stone, Virginia. Our daughter and son-in-law were married out there. ■ On a sad note, my old brother-in-law passed away last night. We’re waiting to see what the funeral arrangements will be. ■ Off to the pharmacy to pick up my med. ■
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Quiet weekend . . . . .
It was a quiet weekend. We stayed home both Friday and Saturday nights, but attended an annual superbowl party tonight. That was fun. Especially seeing old friends that we haven’t seen in awhile. ■ And is it Superbowl, or Super Bowl? One word, or two? ■ Planning a trip out to see my mother and brother in Gig Harbor, Washington. It’s a 4 hour flight. I’m not looking forward to flying. ■ The sketch you see here is of one of our local restaurants named “Cary’s Restaurant.” Just a quick pencil sketch to keep my skills up. ■ We’re going to try and get Bullfrog back in its original form. This time we’ll stick to more blues stuff. No more “Brown Eyed Girl.” Time for me to GTB. ‘Night. ■