Ever since Saturday the 26th of February I’ve noticed a “noise” in my ears. I only notice it when it’s quiet. I wonder if it’s a side effect from the electrocardioversion? I hope it’s not permanent. Kind of a PITA. ■ Finished a drawing and another one started. ■ The snow we have is dwindling fast. A few more days of warm weather and it’ll be gone. And then it’s time to pick up the dog stuff. ■ About time for bed. ‘Night.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Noise in my ears . . . . .
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The heart’s still pumpin’ . . . . . .
Yes, the heart is still pumping. Better than it was before. I still have soreness where the paddle on the front of my chest was placed. The doc must have turned up the juice for the second jolt to get the ticker moving. It’s kind of weird to think that my heart was stopped – and I was dead – for a second, or two. And no, I didn’t see any light and try and go towards it. Had I seen a beer sign I might have bolted! ■ Had a quiet day – band practice for a couple of hours – and then a little work – and then chicken on the grill and watched television for a couple of hours. ■ Stuff to do tomorrow and some drawing as well.
Friday, February 25, 2011
A success, but it took two shocks to do it . . .
I went into the hospital this morning and had the electrocardioversion done. It was a success, but they apparently had to shock me twice to get the ol’ ticker going again. I do feel better – more energy – less out-of-breath. Look at all the wristbands they had on me. White to identify me, green for allergies, and yellow for fall watch – to make sure that they watch me when I fall. ■
Thursday, February 24, 2011
This is tomorrow morning . . . . . . . .
This is what I’m in for tomorrow (Friday) morning. I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. I’ll blog about it when I get home from the hospital. Expect a post around 10:00 am, or so. ■ It’s about time I crawled in bed. I’ve got to be at the hospital at 7:00 am.
I need another mirror . . . . . .
. . . yup another mirror and I think I could do one of those endless photos. Shot taken in my cardiologist’s office. ■ Visited the cardiologist today – everything is set for Friday morning for what they call “the shake & bake.” I’m a little nervous, but it’s an easy thing to do. I want to know what happens if the power goes out before they shock my heart to get it going again? ■ Had to go to ACL labs to get more blood drawn for tests prior to Friday’s procedure. ■ Time for bed. ‘Night.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Spring is coming . . . I think . . . . .
. . . it’s got to appear pretty soon. Ok, not until March, but that’s not too far away. Then I’ll be able to fire up the grill and use my large frying pan again. I’m thinking a neighborhood Sunday brunch. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, etc. ■ Got my final blood draw done this morning; appointment with the cardiologist tomorrow afternoon; then electrocardioversion on Friday morning. I’m counting on being around to do a post after that. ■ Made a small batch of chili on Sunday (10lbs worth of meat), but it just didn’t have the correct flavor. So I’ve let it sit a day and made some adjustments this afternoon. It’s ok now. Not the best I’ve ever made, but then this batch is more burger than brisket and pork. Heck, there’s no brisket in this batch at all. ■ Leaving for work in a few minutes – got a couple of things I need to get done.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Coming along . . . . .
This drawing is coming along nicely. Almost done with it. ■ Went to work at the store today and found that one of our teacher’s fathers had suffered a heart attack. Apparently the father is doing ok – that’s good to hear, but I ended up teaching all of his son’s lessons tonight. It was a nice respite from doing the regular things at the store. And I do enjoy teaching. ■ Tomorrow I go for a final blood-thinness test; then I see the cardiologist on Wednesday and am scheduled to have the electrocardioversion done on Friday. Pray for me on Friday. I’m a little scared of having my heart stopped and then shocked to get it going again. ■
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Time flies . . . . .
Time flies these days. I didn’t realize that I hadn’t posted anything since this past Wednesday. ■ I started and am close to finishing a new drawing. The little, ring, and middle fingers on my left hand are constantly tingling like they’re asleep. I’m beginning to feel the same think in my right hand, but that may just be in my head so to speak. It does make drawing a little bit hard. And it’s even worse with trying to play guitar. Since those fingers are a little numb, I sometimes miss putting my fingers on the proper spot on the fretboard. ■ Lots to do today: making another batch of chili; got band practice; some more drawing to attempt . . . . ■ Our friends got back from a week in Jamaica – we’re waiting to hear how their trip went.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Still cold! . . . . ..
Yup it’s still cold. The low tomorrow is supposed to be –10º. That’s too cold. I want warm weather. Like in the Caribbean. Like my map? Upside down?? ■ Holly’s going up to see her mom this weekend. Her mother broke her wrist and will get a cast on it tomorrow. Apparently the swelling had to go down before casting. ■ Our friends are taking off on Friday for Jamaica. They’ll be warm while we freeze up here in the north country. ■ Still have some drawing to do as well as recording. ■
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Brrrrr. . . . . . . . . .
It’s cold out. 2º out right now. Brrrrrrr. And it’s going to be cold for the next few days. ■ Holly’s mom fell and broke her wrist. Bummer. ■ Got some drawings to finish and some recording to do. Also have to get my blood tested for thinness. That will right after my Chamber networking meeting.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Cold . . . ‘n’ makin’ chili . . . . . .
Cold out, but that’s to be expected at this time of year. ■ Made a small batch of chili tonight. For the first time in a long time I didn’t use my grill – it’s kind of buried on the patio. ■ Tomorrow is the super bowl. We’re going to a friend’s home to watch the game. ■ Need to start working on taxes. That’s coming up.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A lot of snow . . . . . . .
We did get quite a bit of snow. O’Hare airport got 20.3 inches and we’re probably close to that. Thanks to my great neighbors for snow blowing our sidewalks and driveway. We still have a good couple of feet of the stuff on the walkway up to the front door, but no one comes in that way anyway. ■ Now it’s supposed to get cold. Well, this is supposed to be the coldest part of winter anyway. ■ Saw a picture of our friend’s, the Murphy’s driveway! I’m sure glad I don’t have to shovel that! It’s very long and large.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
It’s snowing . . . . . .
Yup, it’s snowing. Since I can’t shovel with my heart problems, Holly has taken it on herself to shovel. She had the dogs out with her for a minute, but they preferred to be back inside. ■ Work called and told me not to come in – too many people had cancelled their lessons. ■ Since I’m home for dinner, we’re frying some perch caught in Green Bay.
The snow’s a comin’ . . . . . .
It’s been snowing lightly all day. Not a whole lot of accumulation yet, but they’re saying we’ll get between 10 and 24 inches. We’ll see. ■ I’ve got to have my blood tested weekly for thinness. This morning I went to ACL labs to have the test done and they had stick me with a needle and withdraw blood instead of just pricking my finger. What a pita. I’ve got to have this done weekly. ■ I don’t go into work until 4:30 – and even that will depend on how many lessons we have. ■ Back to work.