Sunday, October 30, 2011

Good, healthy, cooking . . . . .


. . . I think.  I smoked ribs and cooked chili (smoked, of course) today.  Put 2 habaneros and 1 jalapeno in – it’s got some bite – most likely too much for most folks – but not for me!  ■  Also worked on a drawing and watched some football.  Not a bad Sunday.  The only bummer was that it rained, so I had to brave that when cooking the ribs.  At least it didn’t pour.  ■  Aaron called and he’s doing well.  Not going over to Iraq and his job seems better.  ■  I see my gutters are getting full of leaves.  I probably should get up there and clean them out, but there are still tons of leaves left on the trees.  ■  And while my garden hose is disconnected (has been for a couple of weeks), I do need to wrap it up and put it away for the winter.  ■ 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Spooky . . . . .


Wooooooo . . . . . it’s the time of ghosts and goblins, raking leaves, making chili, and smoking ribs.  ■  Our Cribbage group got together tonight.  The group has been together for roughly 20 years.  That’s a long time.  We don’t play cribbage anymore, but just get together for the fun of it – catching up on news from everyone's families.  It’s a nice group.  ■  More tomorrow.  TFB. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A short break from drawing . . . . .


Sometimes I think I should just sketch in pencil.  It’s more relaxing ‘cause you can always erase your mistakes – unlike pen & ink.  At any rate this is a very quick sketch of the new home of Holly’s cousin Lori.  We wish her well.  ■  I have a couple of new things on my to-do list.  One is grab the data from a survey on the Kalo site and put it into a cohesive, readable format.  Another is to set up a mailing list for Kalo.  And those are just two of the items on my ever expanding list.  ■  Chamber networking meeting in the morning and the rest of the day to try and get things done!  ■  Yup, time-for-bed.  ‘Night!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The drawings continue . . . . .

I have a couple of orders that I need to finish.102411_001  That’s a sketch of one that’s on my board right now.  I'd like to finish that one in the next couple of days.  ■  Abby is doing fine.  Unfortunately she’ll have two more shots in November.  I’m not looking forward to that for her sake.  ■  My across-the-street neighbor has started a blog – “Leading In 4 Directions" – (  I’ll be reading it daily.  It should be interesting.  ■  Recording:  I’ve got a couple of songs I need to record – before I forget them.  And, as usual, I need lyrics for them.  That, I think, is always the toughest part of song writing.  This time I think I’ll try recording them on my iPad.  It certainly is more convenient than my 16 track recorder.  ■  TFB.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Poor Abby . . . . .


Abby has heartworm.  It’s a serious thing and today we had our first of three shots for curing it.  The shots are apparently somewhat painful – they’re given in her back – and she’ll have soreness in her back for at least a couple of days.  The pain started soon after the shot.  She just can’t get comfortable.  I’ve got some pain pills for her – which I gave her 1 today and will give her 1 tomorrow.  She’s such a sweet dog.  I think she’ll end up sleeping with us tonight.  Sort of like when one of our kids was ill.  Sleeping with Mom & Dad made things better.  ■   Tomorrow (actually today since I’m up so late) the weather should be better – no rain, I hope – and I’ll be able to get the grass cut.  ■  Holly’s off to a girl’s weekend, so the girls and I will be together – all sleeping on our bed, I’m sure.  ■  Send some hugs and kisses for Abby.  She needs them.  ■  Off to bed.  ‘Night.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rain, rain go away . . . . .


It’s been raining on and off all day long – a bleary, fall day.  It looks like it’ll rain tomorrow too.  Friday looks like it might be dry – I can get the lawn cut.  ■  Got my flu shot today.  It took longer to drive to the doctor’s office than it did to wait and get the shot.  ■  Our vet called and told me that the medicine for Abby’s heartworm was in.  I take her in tomorrow (Thursday) for the shot.  ■   I have a couple of drawings to work on and get done.  I do, however, wish business was better.  This economy has definitely had an effect on orders.  ■  TFB.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stopped for gas

Just a short stop. A couple of hours to go yet.

Three hours to go

I slept while Holly drove.

Back on the road

Heading home, but first stopping to get some breakfast.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ghostly view in Louisville

Outside of Libby & Jay's house.

Going thru Indy

Almost thru Indy. A couple of hours to go.

On the road . . .

On the road to Louisville.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Watercolors ????????

Watercolors – what was I thinking?  Actually I was thinking it wouldn’t be too hard.  Wrong!  I haven’t worked with watercolors since high school except for a couple of weak tries a few years ago.  I was commissioned to try and do ↓100311_001a watercolor of a landscape.  Shouldn’t be too hard, I thought.  Wrong!  It’s much tougher than I had expected.  If you look down a couple of posts where I did a watercolor wash of a pen and ink – well that turned out pretty well.  Not so the landscape.   I’ve tried 4 different times – too busy, too broad-colored, too stiff.  Nothing seems to be working.  I may be that I’m trying to fit all of it in to an 8x10 inch drawing area.  That doesn’t give much room for the detail that I see in my mind’s eye.  Live and learn.  At any rate my client doesn’t need the drawing – good news from an artistic standpoint – bad news from an income side.  ■  Still a lot going on.  The girls (Abby & Zoe) and I will make a trip to the bank tomorrow.  That means a new card from the girls to our favorite tellers.  ■  I also need to mow the yard tomorrow.  It’s finally in need of mowing after being dry for so long.  ■  And I need to get out and take some photos of homes and businesses that I’ve been needing to take for so long.  My camera’s on the charger and will be ready to go tomorrow.  ■  TFB.  ‘Night.